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The Fire Sea of Wonder – Paperback


Life is not a problem to be solved forever. It is a child which should be ever-nourished, ever-shaped and ever-protected in body, mind and spirit. Its body should be well-fed and exposed to hardship, so that it grows healthy, strong and beautiful.

The Fire Sea of Wonder, paperback book of Yan.


Mine is a philosophy of life, of energy and daring, of impermanence and fulfillment, of ever refilling the cup.

Life is not a problem to be solved forever. It is a child which should be ever-nourished, ever-shaped and ever-protected in body, mind and spirit. Its body should be well-fed and exposed to hardship, so that it grows healthy, strong and beautiful.

Its mind should be exposed to all ideas and experiences, from which to take its form and nourishment. And its spirit should be exposed to danger, from which to nourish its strength.

A life without risk is a poor life in a small room without windows. A life where desire is suppressed is a life of breathless, droning pain from a thousand unhealed wounds.

A life of risk and desire is a life of the hunter and the hunted in the jungle. It is a hard life, filled with pain, danger, confusion, fear, temptation, humiliation and intense joy.

It is a life filled with all that is evil and all that is good. It is the only life in which perfection can be sought. It is the only true life.

Those who see life as a problem, offer an alternative as a solution. They offer a state without desire, without change, without pain and without life.

They promise happiness, but without life there is no happiness. I offer life.

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Dimensions 21.59 × 12.7 × 0.35 cm


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